So maybe Rush is partly right...
One of the things that drives me batty is when the right-wing talking heads call anyone with a viewpoint to the left of their own "wackos", "crazies", "extremists", etc. I consder myself very reasonable and thoughtful in my opinions, many of which these guys deride as a matter of course.
However, I've just realized that there really are some wacko lefties out there. I was just reading a post on a Prince fan site that had turned political. This one poster was going on about how capitalism isn't all its cracked up to be and doesn't provide equal opportunity for everyone.
I was thinking, "right on, brother."
Then the poster talked about how the G8's attempt to eliminate debt for some heavily indebted countries was a good start.
I was thinking, "a bit naive, but yeah, it's encouraging."
Then the poster stated that what we really needed to do was to revert to a 13 month lunar calender.
I was thinking, "whahhh?"
Then he wrote that we next needed to abandon money. Without money, he reasoned, there be no more poverty, no more impediments to finding a cure for cancer.
I was thinking, "Good lord, this person's an idiot."
I am left, but that doesn't mean I'm insane. The advent of money as a means of economic exchange is one of the greatest milestones in human development. It allows people to exchange the fruits of their efforts without having to physically drag a barrel of milk or a bushel of wheat with them to town. It allows one to adequately judge the relative value to society of answering a phone call or flipping a Big Mac, or even doing cancer research. It allows one, through loans, to fund current productive efforts using projected future results. Eliminating money would certainly eliminate poverty, if poverty is measured by the amount of money one has compared to everyone else. But it would do nothing to eliminate hunger, disease, homelessness, social stigma, or any of the other consequences that derives from being non-productive, for whatever the cause.
I guess this guy is to the left what some of these militia groups are to the right... their idealogy is the same as the mainstream (militia groups want personal liberty, this lefty guy wants to end poverty); but the conclusions that they then draw from that ideology is anti-social, impractical, and just an all-around bad idea. Rush is right, there are left-wing kooks. But I'm not one of them. And, for the record, neither is Hillary, Dean, or Bill.
That's why it's important for us reasonable people, we who are friends and family, to be able to listen to each other about issues of war and peace, economic growth, the place for religion in government, government funding of art and science, the role of the our country in the global society, the environmental effects of consumption and how to measure those effects, and so on and so on.
Reason. The stuff of which reality is made.
Howdy, llama.
My memory of listening to Rush many years ago - like 10 or something - was that his technique, along with many pundits on every political side, was to say something obvious that almost anyone could agree with, and then take it to some bizarre conclusion that had no direct logical chain from it. Typically, he would use the typical logical fallacies. The favorite of every politician is the straw man, where you pretend everyone who disagrees with you is like your leftist wacko, and then prevent your own random idea as the only possible alternative. Another of course is the ad hominem where you just claim that the guy who says something is ugly, therefore we should withold funds from the United Nations or some such.
I have no idea where I am going with this. I wanted to say something basic about Rush and ended up here.
Anyway, yeah, totally agree. There are wacko lefties. There are wacko everybodies. Your guy is probably left of even the Kerry voters, and if you think of 43 million or so Kerry voters, there are gonna be some real idiots in there.
I'm gonna react to your latest comment on my blog a little later. I liked it.
I gotta learn how to edit typos. "prevent" above is "present" etc.
On another topic, I would not mind learning something from you about international development. For instance, you said that the debt relief was naive but a decent start. What is your opinion on the debt relief? If you ever wanna take the time, I would not mind hearing. You know a lot of stuff I do not.
Thanks for giving the star trek kook a forum, Llama. These credits sound an awfull lot like money. If basic necessities are already taken care of, these credits are just like having more money than everybody else. Only appreciable difference from our current system being that everyone's basic needs are taken care of. I can guarantee, however, that people who do not work for these extra credits and go on exotic vacations are looked down upon just like poor people in our society. I, personally, want to ban guns, sharp knives, trees, and rocks. That would most definitely stop war and lead to world peace.
I hates rocks.
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