Thursday, May 19, 2005

Short Stuff

First of all, thanks to everyone that offered their thoughts about whether I should stay here or come back to Louisiana. It was very useful in helping me to sort things out. Sometimes a point seems obvious, but doesn't actually crystalize until someone states it in the open. I haven't yet decided which road to take, but I'm leaning pretty heavily towards staying here. I wrote an email to Phuong explaining it and asking for her thoughts, and she gave her blessing if I want to remain. She says she has other students that can step in for me if I don't come back. So, that removes some of the reason for returning.

I plan to give it another couple of weeks and then commit one way or the other.

Last night at Gulliver's they were showing "professional" wrestling. It was the return of Hulk Hogan. Guy was looking pretty old, but still had more muscles than you can shake a stick at. It was both funny and embarassing, though, to see these blatantly fake punches and kicks and overly dramatic flops all done against an American flag backdrop. Especially when the very same television will show on other nights muay thai and this other crazy extreme fighting show... in both of which the violence is very real and very dangerous. To see the two up against it each other... it just seemed the perfect metaphore for America's relationship with the world.

That's it for now.




At 7:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to weigh in a lttle late-
I definetly think you should base your decision on stayng in thailand on whether or not that puts you farther down the road to what you really want to do career-wise. I also remember you saying this did not help you in your field of interest. has that changed?

At 8:58 PM, Blogger Llama said...


How did you like EPIII?

Field of interest is one consideration, but there are others as well. As H observed, it's important to do something that might actually come with a paycheck. Also, this is a pretty sweet deal, all-told, and to turn my back on this opportunity could be a serious mistake. You know as well as I that opportunities for success often comes about through connections and good luck... well, this is a pretty good one, and so I want to consider it very carefully.

I asked Bossman #1 if, should I want to, TASC would be willing to actually set me up as a salaried employee instead of as a fellow; he said that they would. So, the choice now is: come back to LA for phd, stay here for phd, or stay here as a professional...

At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mine was the amazing and satisfying comment-- i forgot to not be anonymous.
It really was just perfect, i thought. and very much reflective of the original set of 3 movies.

now, about the work. As long as you are really spending your time in a way that is fulfilling to you, and helps create opportunities for other ventures, I agree that is a good thing. Just remember that this is not your only opportunity (phoung has other options). Will this help situate you to advance positions (and salary)?

At 5:30 PM, Blogger pacatrue said...

I wanted to add to this since I have been quoted. :) What I meant was to do what you wanted, and not come back to La only, and I meant only, if it was because you felt obligated to or that you would disappoint someone you respected. Maybe it is because I worked for a Silicon Valley company for a few years, but I was trained there that loyalty to employees and customers meant little. They expected you to always look out for #1. That said, as sr mentions, hey sr!, looking out for #1, meaning you the llama, means looking our for a salary AND looking out for fulfilling work. After all, you and I were both paid decently for our old work, but it just wasn't fulfilling. I am now spending my entire retirement account in order to make a transition to a job that I think will be fulfilling, even though it will only pay the exact same salary I already had.


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