What's going on
Yesterday I attended my final Thai lesson. I think I'll sign up for some more lessons, but first I really need to force myself to practice what I've already learned. This coincides quite well with my financial situation as it happens that this month (for reasons not worth getting into) I'll receieve less money from TASC than normal. So I'll use this month to review everything I've learned up till now, try to speak Thai to the people around me, and maybe next month start up again.
There's also the question of Tulane. I really find myself uenthusiastic about a phD at this time, but I suppose it will be good for me. I should look into what has to happen to get those classes rolling.
It's hot again in Bangkok. We had about a week of temperatures in the low 80s, which I suppose constitutes Winter here, and now it's back to the upper 80's, maybe low 90s. I've been told it will cool off again and there will actually be some long-sleeve weather, but I'll believe that when it happens.
I'm really making progress on the front end now, but still have so much left to do. It'll be good when it's complete though.
I missed everyone at Thanksgiving; it's the holidays when one really stops to reflect on what is missing in one's life and, for me, it's certainly my family and friends. But things are generally positive here these days. I'll probably go out some with my classmates from school, which opens up a new social circle, which is good. Oddly enough the Russian girl that was in the class is a gaming geek like me, so we are able to talk about EQII and World of Warcraft. Kind of an odd discovery to find a fairly attractive young women that has some of the same vices that I do.
The other guy in the class, who is Canadian, doesn't share that addiction with us but is still good to talk to about political stuff. He's in his early 20s and so still has an almost naive take on politics and government. Not that he's wearing rose colored glasses, but he still has his ideals. I think I lost most of mine some years ago.
Time for lunch.
Think again hippie. You and the Canuck are probably only a few shades apart in the glasses department. Next time you have a group hug, steal his wallet. That will not only even things out, it will fuel more Thai lessons. Win, Win. No thanks necessary for the advice; I get a warm fuzzy just knowing that I can help.
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