Tuesday, March 15, 2005

A few of the day-to-day details

So this morning it rained here in Bangkok. Not the kind of hard, thunder and lightning, big winds type of rain that can hit Louisiana, but rather a moderate, consistent rain fall without much accompanying hullaballu. This rain, however, was enough to cause some kind of short in the electrical grid, as the lights have been flickering on and off (mostly off) all morning. It's 10:25 now and the power came back up about 15 mins ago.

This will be particularly problematic in a couple of months when the rainy season starts and we get some of this every day... I hope the Bossman keeps those Popular Mechanics coming!

Also this morning I had an "omelet" for breakfast, with toast, bacon, orange juice, coffe, and toast. The whole meal ran about US$ 1.25. There was nothing in the omelet, however; it was really just some scrambled eggs. Suprising because the Thais do make a very tasty omelet that they eat for lunch and dinner, filled with spicy pork and vegetables. This was not that, though. The bacon came out undercooked, I had to send it back. Thais don't eat bacon, to my knowledge... it's their strictly for us farangs.

Afterwards, though, I spent another 5 baht (about 13 cents) for two grilled bananas... which were very tasty except for the left over grill flavor. I'll have to try those again from a different vendor... they are all over the place. Bananas are practically a staple food here.

Tonight I will be dining with Bossman#2 and his guests from the CDC. I won't contribute anything, of course, just be mostly a fly on a wall. And with this cold subduing my usually effervicient personality (lol), I won't even be a very entertaining fly. I can't wait to move into my apartment so that I can establish more regular eating patterns. Buy some milk and cereal... do a little cooking. I need to make sure I eat enough so that i don't come back skinny like last summer.



At 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are getting oriented. I hope your colds goes away soon; that probably contributed to your melancholy.
Dinner with CDC folks sounds very interesting to me--please report back.
I am staying quite busy, but so far so good in the new job!

At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

where is our phrase of the day?

At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good move on sending back the bacon. You should be fine eating undercooked pork anywhere in the U.S. (trichinosis is pretty well eradicated in the national herd/flock/pack/whatever groups of swine are called), but you are at high risk of contracting something pretty nasty if you eat it undercooked in less well-developed nations. We animal scientists know these things.


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